Textbooks present new concepts and learning tasks for students to complete with educator supervision. They include practice and review problems, and are designed to be used alongside workbooks. Features & Components:
- Mathematical concepts are introduced in the opening pages and taught to mastery through specific learning tasks that allow for immediate assessment and consolidation.
- The Concrete Pictorial Abstract approach enables students to encounter math in a meaningful way.
- Direct correlation of the textbook to the workbook facilitates focused review and evaluation.
- The modeling method enables students to visualize and solve problems quickly and efficiently.
- New mathematical concepts are introduced through a spiral progression that builds on concepts already taught and mastered.
- Metacognition is employed as a strategy for learners to monitor their thinking processes in problem solving. Speech and thought bubbles provide guidance through the thought processes, making even the most challenging problems accessible to students.
- Color patches invite active studenTable of Contents
Numbers to 1,000
Looking Back
Counting Within 1,000
Comparing Numbers
Review 1
Addition and Subtraction
Looking Back
Addition Without Renaming
Subtraction Without Renaming
Addition With Renaming
Subtraction With Renaming
Review 2A
Review 2B
Measuring Length
Measuring Length in Meters
Measuring Length in Centimeters
Other Units of Length
Review 3
Multiplication and Division
Review 4
Multiplication Tables of 2 and 3
Multiplication Table of 2
Multiplication Table of 3
Dividing by 2
Dividing by 3
Review 5
Curriculum Map
All copyrights reserved by Marshall Cavendish Education Pte. Ltd.t participation and facilitate lively discussion about concepts.
- Regular reviews in the textbook provide consolidation opportunities.
- The glossary effectively combines pictorial representation with simple mathematical definitions to provide a comprehensive reference guide for students.
- A curriculum map details where to find textbook content that covers each of the Common Core State Standards.
Note: Two textbooks (A and B) for each grade correspond to the two halves of the school year. Answer key not included. Soft cover.